“UVC technology is easy to set up, enabling it to be used by a wide range of staff, and offers a relatively rapid process time (25-30 mins/room). Such systems have the potential to be used as a preventative adjunct to manual cleaning, and may greatly reduce the risk of transmitting infections through high touch surfaces.”
Reid et al.
The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, UK

A study was conducted by Royal Wolverhampton to explore the integration of UV-C as an adjunctive cleaning practice.
Inivos’ Ultra-V UV-C disinfection robot was used following manual cleaning in 18 vacated rooms across a period of 8 weeks. Sampling was undertaken at 24 sites in each room and results expressed as colony-forming units (CFU).
The mean CFU after the use of Ultra-V was significantly reduced compared to post-manual cleaning and even more so when compared to pre-manual cleaning.