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Guidance for the Implementation of Hospital Ward Decant Deep Cleans

Guidance for the Implementation of Hospital Ward Decant Deep Cleans

Environmental Cleanliness is a key infection control measure in the prevention of Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI’s). Wards and departments must implement cleaning rotas, monitored by IP&C teams, but sometimes this isn’t enough. High-pressure environments, low staff numbers, and increased numbers of patients during the winter months takes its toll on effective cleaning, resulting in the transmission of pathogens such as Clostridioides difficile & Multi Drug Resistant organisms (MDROs).

Implementing a robust reactive deep clean strategy, utilising hydrogen peroxide and/or UV-C has been clinically proven to reduce rates of HCAIs and will mitigate the human factors associated with healthcare worker cleaning standards. Indeed, a systematic review by a Healthcare Infection Society Working Party: Automated room decontamination (2022), suggests the use of an automated decontamination device as a supplement to manual cleaning in the context of rising or high prevalence of nosocomial infection, such as C. difficilemeticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or vancomycin-resistant enterococcus.

The report goes on to say that hydrogen peroxide vapour or pulsed-xenon ultraviolet light in room surface decontamination should be considered during an outbreak of C. difficile infection when other modalities have failed to reduce acquisition.

Chemically, hydrogen peroxide is a simple compound composed of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms (H2O2). When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with organic material, it breaks down into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2). This produces free radicals which damage cell membranes and DNA. This oxidative damage is lethal to bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores, making hydrogen peroxide an effective broad-spectrum disinfectant3.

Guidance & Checklist for the Implementation of Ward Decant HPV or UV-C Deep Cleans

Reactive Deep Cleans with HPV/UV-C

Proactive Deep Cleans with HPV/UV-C

Benefits of Proactive Ward HPV/UV-C Deep Cleans

Implementation of Ward HPV/UV-C Cleans

Patient & Staff Safety


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