Earlier this month we met our HR Administrator, Becca Covill. As part of a series we are giving you the chance to meet the people behind our products, the people that answer the phone when you call us, the people that make Inivos the experts in infection prevention and control. This week we meet our Service Technican, Titas Trumpa.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Visiting customer sites across the UK to deliver training on our machines, providing servicing, general maintenance and repairs and supporting with an issues customers may have. Overall helping the team to have a good day every day.
What is something only a few people know about you?
I’m quite an open person and I’m always there to help.
How did you get into your area of work?
This is a long story 😅 many years ago… no just joking, personally I think I’ve always been trying to do my best, and it’s kind of paid off 🤔

What is it about your industry that inspires you?
I’ve always liked to fix/repair things, and to help people. I think in terms of that, I’m in very good place.
Imagine there are now 25 hours in a day, what would you do with that extra hour?
Most likely would sleep😁most days 24 hours is not enough to achieve the results that I would like to, so need to compensate for the lack of sleep!
What do you enjoy most about working at Inivos?
The lovely team and beautiful company vision.
What are your interests outside of work?
Family, sober vegan lifestyle, bikes and cars, music and movies, active lifestyle. In general I love the world and all I can get from it.
From your time here at Inivos, tell me about a work achievement that you are most proud of.
From bank tech to service engineer in nearly 4 years, I think that’s not a bad achievement.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your area of work?
Hold on!
Thanks for your time, Titas!
We hope you enjoyed meeting Titas, keep an eye out for the next post in our series when we will be meeting Megan Pepper, one of our Product Specialists.
If you have any questions for Ruben or any of the team at Inivos, contact us today at customerservices@inivos.com
Find out more about how ProXcide HPV System can benefit your facility