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Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour decontamination significantly reduces enteric bacteria in Neonatal Units

“HPV eliminates enteric bacteria from surfaces in clinical areas, but is only practical where patients can be decanted. Our experience adds to the evidence that HPV decontamination can be used to assist in the terminal decontamination of rooms used to isolate MRGNB patients.”

Dr Jim Gray and Julie Suviste

Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK


Drug-resistant, Gram-negative bacteria (DRGNB) infection rates are higher in Neonatal Units (NNUs) than in any other hospital setting.


Inivos’ hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) disinfection robot was used to disinfect three NNUs over two days. Swabs were taken before and after HPV use.


The amount of enteric bacteria was significantly reduced across the three NNUs after HPV decontamination.

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