“…the Ultra-V system demonstrated efficacy in reducing TVCs in key touch points in the patient environment. It was straightforward to use. It was also rapidly effective with an average of 20min required for decontamination per room. This reduced delays between rooms being vacated and being available for admission of a new patient.”
Johnson et al.
Wye Valley NHS Trust, Hereford, UK
The time taken to decontaminate side rooms at Wye Valley NHS Trust proved challenging with the pressures it had on bed use.
The efficacy of the Ultra-V UV-C disinfection robot has the potential to decontaminate rooms in 15-30 minutes and was evaluated in 20 rooms, with 160 samples taken. Rooms included side rooms, a sluice, shower room and cubicle in the emergency department. Contact sampling touch points included bed rails, patient call bell, bedside table, patient chair, ensuite sink taps and more.
The average total viable count (TVC) per contact plate before cleaning was 27.4; after manual cleaning 19.3; and after the Ultra-V system 2.3. Ultra-V demonstrated efficacy in reducing TVCs in key touch points in the patient environment. It was straightforward to use and rapidly effective with an average of 20 minutes required for decontamination per room. This reduced delays between rooms being vacated and being available for admission of a new patient.