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Reducing cases of Clostridium Difficile by identifying a ‘front end’ and decontaminating with HPV

“Implementation of a targeted HPV automated decontamination has been proven to be e effective in reducing C. difficile rates.”

Dalton et al.

Infection Prevention & Control Team - Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust


Stoke Mandeville Hospital sought to reduce transmission of C. difficile by identifying a common entry point and using vapourised hydrogen peroxide (HPV) to decontaminate.


A ‘front-end’ for C.diff patients was identified, isolated and decontaminated using Inivos’ HVP disinfection robot. This includes patient equipment and ameliorated IPC measures.


The rate of infection of C.diff in Stoke Mandeville Hospital decreased after the identification of the common entry point and decontamination using HVP.

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